
This policy is designed to enable employees and other stakeholders of BOI-ITC to raise concerns and disclose information, which the individual believes connotes malpractice or impropriety.
This policy is designed to enable employees and other stakeholders of BOI-ITC to raise concerns and disclose information, which the individual believes connotes malpractice or impropriety.
It is on this note that all employees, our customers and other stakeholders are encouraged to raise genuine concerns about possible improprieties at the earliest opportunity and in an appropriate manner.
Please note that this policy does not only cover possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting, but also include the following:
- Fraud and financial malpractices
- Improper conduct or unethical behaviour: collusion, bribery or blackmail
- Criminal offences
- Failure to comply with legal or regulatory obligations
- Endangering the health and safety of other individuals
- Endangering any element of the corporate environment
- Concealment of any of the above
Note: Whistle blowing in this context excludes cases involving personal complaints about other colleagues (human resource issues) and the breach of customers’ rights.
You can blow a whistle by sending an email to whistleblowing@boinigeria.com or make a report online by clicking on the Whistle Blowing Report Form below:
Whistle Blowing Report Form
All concerns raised should include supporting evidences. The whistle blower has the right to request that his identity be kept confidential. For full details of Protection and Support For The Whistle-Blower, please read the BOI Whistle-Blowing Policy by clicking on the link below.
Whistle Blowing Policy